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老字号卤莱加盟店 2025-03-06 16:50:53
串街走巷是加盟店吗 2025-03-06 16:47:01


发布时间: 2024-03-29 14:53:45

Ⅰ 鎴戞湁涓浠介攢鍞浠g悊鍗忚锛岄夯鐑﹀摢浣嶉珮鎵嬪府蹇欑炕璇戞垚鑻辨枃

Sales proxy agreement
Agreement serial number
Signs the date
Signs the place

In order to develops the trade in the equality and mutualbenefit foundation below, armor second grade both sides sign theagreement according to the following provision:
The supplier (below calls the party of the first part): Huizhou citygood good advantage cosmetics limited company (sale department)
The business agent (below calls 涔欐柟):
The party of the first part entrusts 涔欐柟 for the sales proxy side,namely the party of the first part is authorized 涔欐柟 to sell theparty of the first part proct in the Vietnamese agents, after thearmor second grade both sides unanimous approval, evaluates thefollowing to sell the agency agreement. Concrete provision as follows:

1. Proxy brand: Pure, the proct send, the new influence seriescommodity

2. Proxy region: City Vietnam country (one's own businessagent)

3. Proxy deadline: By 200 year from January cuts off to 200years in December The proxy term of validity is 3 years

5. The year agent sells the amount: According to the bilateralagreement, 涔欐柟 each month proxy sales volume many (presses 涔欐柟to the Renminbi 100,000 Yuan to enter commodity price to the party ofthe first part to count), and increases progressively the computationaccording to 30% year, namely in 2006 acts the total sales is 1.2million Yuan, in 2007 is 156
6. The party of the first part's responsibility and ty
(1) the party of the first part is responsible to 涔欐柟 toprovide, the proct purely sends, the new influence brand beautifullysends the series proct
(2) the second grade only then enjoys the unification whichthe party of the first part formulates after the retail price and thefree proct publicity material
(3) in order to guarantee 涔欐柟 the rights and interests, the partyof the first part only supposes 涔欐柟 for the Vietnamese one's ownbusiness agent proxy the party of the first part above 3 brandsproct, and protects its one's own power of attorney
(4) concerns to this contract proct, the party of the first partprovides the proction Huizhou city related examination materialwhich stipulated according to the country, and provides thiscertificate document to 涔欐柟. But is 涔欐柟 the locus to needother proofers, responsibly provides by 涔欐柟, and bears all expenseswhich the examination center occurs
(5) proces the family as the proction, the party of thefirst part has pure, the proct sends, the new influence three brandsprocts proction and the trademark property rights, 涔欐柟 only hasin the Vietnamese agents sells above three brands proct the salespower, also 涔欐柟 does not have by any reason, any form or encroachesupon above three brands proct in any region harm the proction andthe trademark property rights. Otherwise, the party of the first partwill sue for damages above three procts by the legal way to 涔欐柟the completely development cost.
7. 涔欐柟 responsibility and ty
(1) 涔欐柟 does not have to sell, the deterioration commodityexpired, does not have to do has damages other business agent benefitsand acts the commodity and the factory image behavior, circumstanceserious, the party of the first part is authorized to unconditionallydeprives 涔欐柟 the proxy qualifications
(2) this agreement stipulated the business agent does not have tosurmount assigns the region sale, once discovered, the party of thefirst part is authorized to unconditionally deprives 涔欐柟 the proxyqualifications
(3) presses the agreement, if 3 months 涔欐柟 has not continuouslybeen able to complete in the agreement monthly stocks with goods thevolume or cannot the grown-up total sales, the party of the first partis authorized to unconditionally deprives 涔欐柟 the proxyqualifications
(4) presses the agreement, 涔欐柟 can according to the agreementcontent request, according to the nature grown-up sales volume, theparty of the first part will purchase merchandise according to 涔欐柟the year total amount 7% volume to make a return gift in proper amount涔欐柟 by the cargo form to the year's end, with will support 涔欐柟the service development
8. Payment method
涔欐柟 pays 30% earnest money to start to prepare goods, paysin full Yu Kuanhou to deliver goods

9. Shipping way
The party of the first part is only responsible the cargo totransport to 涔欐柟 (Guangdong) assigns the freight terminal and theconsignee Other shipping and the insurance matters concerned areresponsible by 涔欐柟

10. Has jurisdiction over the court agreement
Every because carries out the dispute which this contract orthe related this contract occurs, both sides should by the friendlyway consultation solution, if consults cannot solve, should submit theChinese Guangdong Province Huizhou city people's court to do finallyadjudicates, the final outcome has the restraint to both sides;
11. Agreement term of validity and potency
This agreement signs after both sides becomes effective. If aside hoped lengthens this agreement, then before must expires 1 monthwritten notification another side in this agreement, consults thedecision after both sides. If an agreement side has not fulfilled theagreement clause, another side is authorized to the terminationagreement.
This agreement signs to January 1, 2008 in the Chinese GuangdongHuizhou, principal edition two, armor second grade both sidesrespectively hold. Has the same level legal effect to both sides.

The party of the first part: 涔欐柟
Address: Address:
