❶ 在奶茶店的英語基本用語
珍珠奶茶:Tapioca/Pearl Milk Tea
冰紅(綠)茶 :Iced Black Tea / Iced Green Tea
冰奶茶 :Iced Milk Tea
港式奶茶 :Hot Tea, HK Style
巧克力奶茶 :Chocolate Milk Tea
冰巧克力奶茶 :Iced Chocolate Milk Tea
草莓奶茶 :Strawberry Milk Tea
花生奶茶 :Peanut Milk Tea
哈密瓜奶茶 :Hami Melon Milk Tea
椰香奶茶 :Coconut Milk Tea
芋香奶茶 :Taro Milk Tea
熱檸檬茶 :Hot Lemon Tea
冰檸檬茶 :Iced Lemon Tea
菠蘿果茶 :Pineapple Tea
菠蘿冰茶 :Iced Pineapple Tea
黑莓冰茶 :Iced Blackberry Tea
草莓冰茶 :Iced Strawberry Tea
藍莓冰茶 :Iced Blueberry Tea
芒果冰茶 :Iced Mango Tea
蜜桃冰茶 :Iced Peach Tea
香蕉冰茶 :Iced Banana Tea
奇異果冰茶 :Iced Kiwi Tea
百香果汁 :Passion Fruit Juice
冰果汁 :Chilled Juice
菠蘿汁 :Pineapple Juice
蘋果汁 :Apple Juice
橙汁 :Orange Juice
純木瓜汁 :Papaya Juice
鳳梨木瓜汁 :Papaya and Pineapple Juice
哈蜜瓜汁 :Hami Melon Juice
紅莓汁 :Cranberry Juice
火龍果汁 :Dragonfruit Juice
苦檸檬水 :Bitter Lemon Juice
西瓜汁 :Watermelon Juice
葡萄汁 :Grape Juice
酸棗汁 :Wild Jujube Juice
西柚汁/蜜柚汁 (冷/熱) :Grapefruit Juice(Cold / Hot)
時令果汁 :Seasonal Fruit Juice
西檸蜜瓜汁 :Melon and Lemon Juice
椰汁 :Coconut Juice
草莓果茶 :Strawberry Juice
藍莓果茶 :Blueberry Juice
蜜桃果茶 :Peach Juice
鮮榨果汁 :Fresh Juice
鮮榨青檸汁 :Fresh Lemon Juice
鮮榨蔬菜汁 :Fresh Vegetable Juice
番茄汁 :Tomato Juice
胡蘿卜橙子汁 :Carrot and Orange Juice
胡蘿卜芹菜汁 :Celery and Carrot Juice
山楂胡蘿卜汁 :Hawthorn and Carrot Juice
黃瓜汁 :Fresh Cucumber Juice
胡蘿卜汁 :Fresh Carrot Juice
苦瓜汁 :Bitter Melon Juice
西芹汁 :Celery Juice
牽手南瓜汁 :Together Pumpkin Juice
牽手果蔬汁(胡蘿卜橙汁) :Together Vegetable and Fruit Juice (Carrot and Orange)
山葯養生汁 :Yam Juice
鳳梨檸檬芹 :Pineapple, Lemon and Celery Juice
番茄檸檬汁 :Tomato and Lemon Juice
❷ 自動投幣珍珠奶茶機受歡迎嗎
❸ 求一份奶茶店菜單的英文翻譯
店名:碧珠奶茶 BiZhu milk tea
特飲類 Special drink category
泡沫紅茶 Bubble tea
茉香綠茶 Jasmine green tea
珍珠紅豆湯 Pearl red bean soup
珍珠綠豆湯 Pearl green bean soup
檸檬紅茶 Lemon tea
柳橙紅茶 Orange tea
蜂蜜檸檬汁 Honey lemon juice
冰咖啡 Iced coffee
熱咖啡 Hot coffee
果汁類 Juice category
哈密瓜果汁 Hami melon juice
草莓果汁 Strawberry juice
柳橙果汁 Orange juice
鳳梨果汁 pear juice
菠蘿果汁 Pineapple juice
青蘋果果汁 Green apple juice
藍莓果汁 Blueberry juice
薄荷果汁 Mint juice
檸檬果汁 Lemon juice
碧珠奶茶類 BiZhu milk Tea category
碧珠原味奶茶 BiZhu milkc Tea flavor
碧珠蜂蜜奶茶 BiZhu Honey milk tea
碧珠青蘋果奶茶 BiZhu Green apple milk tea
碧珠菠蘿奶茶 BiZhu Pineapple milk tea
碧珠珍珠奶茶 BiZhu Pearl milk tea
碧珠巧克力奶茶 BiZhu Tea with milk chocolate
碧珠香草奶茶 BiZhu Herb milk tea
碧珠紅豆奶茶 BiZhu Red bean milk tea
碧珠鴛鴦奶茶 BiZhu Yuanyang milk tea
碧珠荔枝奶茶 BiZhu Litchi milk tea
碧珠布丁奶茶 BiZhu Tea with milk pudding
碧珠茉香奶茶 BiZhu Jasmine tea incense
碧珠香蕉奶茶 BiZhu banana milk tea
碧珠椰果奶茶 BiZhu Coconut milk tea
碧珠草莓奶茶 BiZhu strawberry milk tea
碧珠芒果奶茶 BiZhu mango milk tea
碧珠香芋奶茶 BiZhu Colocasia milk tea
碧珠柳橙奶茶 BiZhu orange milk tea
碧珠花生奶茶 BiZhu peanut milk tea
碧珠木瓜奶茶 BiZhu Papaya milk tea
碧珠哈密瓜奶茶 BiZhu Hamimelon milk tea
碧珠藍莓奶茶 BiZhu blueberry milk tea
果肉類 Pulp category
椰果果茶 Coconut nectar
草莓果茶 Strawberry nectar
柚子果茶 Grapefruit nectar
蘆薈果茶 Aloe tea
玫瑰花茶 Rose tea
藍莓果茶 Blueberry tea
雪泡類 Snow foam type
鳳梨雪泡 Pineapple snow
草莓雪泡 Strawberry snow
柳橙雪泡 Orange snow
薄荷雪泡 Mint snow
藍莓雪泡 Blueberry snow
青蘋果雪泡 Green apple snow
哈密瓜雪泡 Hamimelon snow
檸檬雪泡 Lemon snow
沙冰類 FIB category
紅豆沙冰 ice shavings of red bean
綠豆沙冰 ice shavings of green bean
巧克力沙冰 ice shavings of Chocolate
咖啡沙冰 ice shavings of Coffee
柳橙沙冰 ice shavings of Oranges
草莓沙冰 ice shavings of Strawberry
檸檬沙冰 ice shavings of Lemon
酸梅沙冰 ice shavings of Plum
哈密瓜沙冰 ice shavings of Hamimelon
蓮子沙冰 ice shavings of Philoxeroides
紅棗沙冰 ice shavings of Jujube
銀耳沙冰 ice shavings of Tremella
❹ 奶茶行業常用英語
冰茶 :Iced Tea
冰紅(綠)茶 :Iced Black Tea / Iced Green Tea
冰奶茶 :Iced Milk Tea
港式奶茶 :Hot Tea, HK Style
巧克力奶茶 :Chocolate Milk Tea
冰巧克力奶茶 :Iced Chocolate Milk Tea
草莓奶茶 :Strawberry Milk Tea
花生奶茶 :Peanut Milk Tea
哈密瓜奶茶 :Hami Melon Milk Tea
椰香奶茶 :Coconut Milk Tea
芋香奶茶 :Taro Milk Tea
熱檸檬茶 :Hot Lemon Tea
冰檸檬茶 :Iced Lemon Tea
菠蘿果茶 :Pineapple Tea
菠蘿冰茶 :Iced Pineapple Tea
黑莓冰茶 :Iced Blackberry Tea
草莓冰茶 :Iced Strawberry Tea
藍莓冰茶 :Iced Blueberry Tea
芒果冰茶 :Iced Mango Tea
蜜桃冰茶 :Iced Peach Tea
香蕉冰茶 :Iced Banana Tea
奇異果冰茶 :Iced Kiwi Tea
特飲類 Special drink category
泡沫紅茶 Bubble tea
茉香綠茶 Jasmine green tea
珍珠紅豆湯 Pearl red bean soup
珍珠綠豆湯 Pearl green bean soup
檸檬紅茶 Lemon tea
柳橙紅茶 Orange tea
蜂蜜檸檬汁 Honey lemon juice
冰咖啡 Iced coffee
熱咖啡 Hot coffee
果汁類 Juice category
哈密瓜果汁 Hami melon juice
草莓果汁 Strawberry juice
柳橙果汁 Fresh Orange juice
雪梨果汁 pear juice
菠蘿果汁 Pineapple juice
青蘋果果汁 Green apple juice
藍莓果汁 Blueberry juice
薄荷果汁 Mint juice
檸檬果汁 Lemon juice
西瓜汁Watermelon Juice
胡蘿卜汁Carrot Juice
奶茶類 milk Tea category
原味奶茶 milkc Tea flavor
蜂蜜奶茶 Honey milk tea
珍珠奶茶 Pearl milk tea
咖啡奶茶Coffee Milk Tea
巧克力奶茶 Tea with milk chocolate
香草奶茶 Vanilla milk tea
紅豆奶茶 Red bean milk tea
鴛鴦奶茶 Yuanyang milk tea
布丁奶茶 Tea with milk pudding
茉香奶茶 Jasmine tea incense
香蕉奶茶 banana milk tea
椰果奶茶 Coconut milk tea
草莓奶茶 strawberry milk tea
芒果奶茶 mango milk tea
香芋奶茶 taro milk tea
花生奶茶 peanut milk tea
木瓜奶茶 Papaya milk tea
哈密瓜奶茶 Hamimelon milk tea
藍莓奶茶 blueberry milk tea
玫瑰奶茶Rose Milk Tea
伯爵奶茶Earl GreyPearl Milk Tea
皇家奶茶Royal Milk Tea Special Milk
香蕉牛奶Banana Milk `
紅豆牛奶Red Bean Milk
綠豆牛奶Mung Bean Milk
花生牛奶Peanut Milk
木瓜牛奶Papaws Milk
果肉類 Pulp category
椰果果茶 Coconut nectar
草莓果茶 Strawberry nectar
柚子果茶 Grapefruit nectar
蘆薈果茶 Aloe tea
玫瑰花茶 Rose tea
藍莓果茶 Blueberry tea
雪泡類 Snow foam type
鳳梨雪泡 Pineapple snow
草莓雪泡 Strawberry snow
柳橙雪泡 Orange snow
薄荷雪泡 Mint snow
藍莓雪泡 Blueberry snow
青蘋果雪泡 Green apple snow
哈密瓜雪泡 Hamimelon snow
檸檬雪泡 Lemon snow
沙冰類 FIB category
紅豆沙冰 ice shavings of red bean
綠豆沙冰 ice shavings of green bean
巧克力沙冰 ice shavings of Chocolate
咖啡沙冰 ice shavings of Coffee
柳橙沙冰 ice shavings of Oranges
草莓沙冰 ice shavings of Strawberry
檸檬沙冰 ice shavings of Lemon
酸梅沙冰 ice shavings of Plum
哈密瓜沙冰 ice shavings of Hamimelon
蓮子沙冰 ice shavings of Philoxeroides
紅棗沙冰 ice shavings of Jujube
銀耳沙冰 ice shavings of Tremella
客:Hi, I want ......
店員:Ok,for here or to go?
客:To go.
店員:Ok, there wil be 3.5 dollars, anything else?
客:No, thank you. Here is the money.
店員:Ok,here is your change.
店員: Here you go. Have a nice day.
客:Have a nice day.
I'd like to try some real Chinese (Western) cuisine.
What would you recommend?
Well, it depends.
There are mainly eight Chinese cuisines.
They are spicy hot.
I like hot dishes.
You can try it.
It might be too hot for me.
What are some special Beijing dishes?
There's the Beijing roast ck.
I'd like very much to try it.
You can find it in most restaurants.
Not too far but not too near either.
A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes.
It's time for you to swap your chips for a healthier diet.
It's always hard for me to maintain a balance between calorie intake and expenditure.
Too much fatty food makes me sick.
I prefer a healthy lunch from home to fast food.
Crusty whole wheat bread is my faovrite.
Tom is a fussy eater.
Helen is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.
After school, my friends go on the way home, suddenly, I smell the smell of the fragrance of tea, I bit my lip, subconsciously touched the pocket, I take money, I thought to buy milk tea, taste the delicious taste, but also afraid to criticize the mother scene, smell a delicious taste of tea, tea will not resist attraction to me no matter, or buy it!
;❺ 濂惰尪搴楃敤鑻辨枃鎬庝箞璇
milk tea 鍜宐ubble tea 閮藉癸紟
鐝嶇彔濂惰尪錛歍apioca/Pearl Milk Tea
鍐扮孩(緇)鑼 錛欼ced Black Tea / Iced Green Tea
鍐板ザ鑼 錛欼ced Milk Tea
娓寮忓ザ鑼 錛欻ot Tea, HK Style
宸у厠鍔涘ザ鑼 錛欳hocolate Milk Tea
鍐板閥鍏嬪姏濂惰尪 錛欼ced Chocolate Milk Tea
鑽夎帗濂惰尪 錛歋trawberry Milk Tea
鑺辯敓濂惰尪 錛歅eanut Milk Tea
鍝堝瘑鐡滃ザ鑼 錛欻ami Melon Milk Tea
妞伴欏ザ鑼 錛欳oconut Milk Tea
鑺嬮欏ザ鑼 錛歍aro Milk Tea
鐑鏌犳鑼 錛欻ot Lemon Tea
鍐版煚妾鑼 錛欼ced Lemon Tea
鑿犺悵鏋滆尪 錛歅ineapple Tea
鑿犺悵鍐拌尪 錛欼ced Pineapple Tea
榛戣帗鍐拌尪 錛欼ced Blackberry Tea
鑽夎帗鍐拌尪 錛欼ced Strawberry Tea
钃濊帗鍐拌尪 錛欼ced Blueberry Tea
鑺掓灉鍐拌尪 錛欼ced Mango Tea
銍滄冨啺鑼 錛欼ced Peach Tea
棣欒晧鍐拌尪 錛欼ced Banana Tea
濂囧紓鏋滃啺鑼 錛欼ced Kiwi Tea
鐧鵑欐灉奼 錛歅assion Fruit Juice
鍐版灉奼 錛欳hilled Juice
鑿犺悵奼 錛歅ineapple Juice
鑻規灉奼 錛欰pple Juice
姍欐眮 錛歄range Juice
綰鏈ㄧ摐奼 錛歅apaya Juice
鍑ゆⅷ鏈ㄧ摐奼 錛歅apaya and Pineapple Juice
鍝堣湝鐡滄眮 錛欻ami Melon Juice
綰㈣帗奼 錛欳ranberry Juice
鐏榫欐灉奼 錛欴ragonfruit Juice
鑻︽煚妾姘 錛欱itter Lemon Juice
瑗跨摐奼 錛歐atermelon Juice
钁¤悇奼 錛欸rape Juice
閰告灒奼 錛歐ild Jujube Juice
瑗挎煔奼/銍滄煔奼 (鍐/鐑) 錛欸rapefruit Juice(Cold / Hot)
鏃朵護鏋滄眮 錛歋easonal Fruit Juice
瑗挎煚銍滅摐奼 錛歁elon and Lemon Juice
妞版眮 錛欳oconut Juice
鑽夎帗鏋滆尪 錛歋trawberry Juice
钃濊帗鑵斾腑鍘呮灉鑼 錛欱lueberry Juice
銍滄冩灉鑼 錛歅each Juice
椴滄Θ鏋滄眮 錛欶resh Juice
椴滄Θ闈掓煚奼 錛欶resh Lemon Juice
椴滄Θ钄鑿滄眮 錛欶resh Vegetable Juice
鐣鑼勬眮 錛歍omato Juice
鑳¤悵鍗滄欏瓙奼 錛欳arrot and Orange Juice
鑳¤悵鍗滆姽鑿滄眮鍩規ū 錛欳elery and Carrot Juice
灞辨傝儭钀濆崪奼 錛欻awthorn and Carrot Juice
榛勭摐奼 錛欶resh Cucumber Juice
鑳¤悵鍗滄眮 錛欶resh Carrot Juice
鑻︾摐奼 錛欱itter Melon Juice
瑗胯姽奼 錛欳elery Juice
鐗墊墜鍗楃摐奼 錛歍ogether Pumpkin Juice
鐗墊墜浼嶉殣鏋滆敩奼(鑳¤悵鍗滄欐眮) 錛歍ogether Vegetable and Fruit Juice (Carrot and Orange)
灞辮嵂鍏葷敓奼 錛歒am......
鎴戣夊緱搴旇ユ槸: Drink shop
tea with milk store
銆愮炕璇戙戱細I know there is a good drink shop there .
鍏跺疄灝辨槸milk tea鍟 瑙i噴鐨勬椂鍊欒 This is not regular milk tea. It is made of green tea(Ja *** ine tea), instead of black tea. 鐗涘ザ灝變笉鐢ㄨ翠簡 閮借存槸milk tea 鍟 璋佷笉鐭ラ亾鏄鍔犵墰濂舵垨濂剁簿鍟 涓昏佹槸璇寸豢鑼舵垨鑰呰磋寜鑾夎尪錛圝ASMINE TEA錛夌 鍙傝冭祫鏂欙細鍦ㄧ編鍥藉康涔︺傘
drink store
Special drink category
Bubble tea
Ja *** ine green tea, incense
Pearl mung bean soup
Lemon tea
Orange tea
Honey lemon juice
Iced coffee
Hot coffee
Juice category
Hami melon juice
Strawberry juice
Orange juice
Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice
Green apple juice
Blueberry juice
Mint juice
Lemon juice
紕х彔tea category
紕х彔tea flavor
紕х彔honey tea
紕х彔green apple tea
紕х彔pineapple tea
紕х彔pearl milk tea
紕х彔tea with milk chocolate
紕х彔vanilla tea
紕х彔litchi tea
紕х彔tea with milk pudding
Ja *** ine tea紕х彔Shannon
紕х彔banana tea
Coconut milk tea紕х彔
紕х彔strawberry tea
紕х彔mango tea
紕х彔orange tea
紕х彔peanut milk tea
紕х彔papaya tea
紕х彔blueberry tea
Pulp category
Coconut nectar
Strawberry nectar
Grapefruit nectar
Aloe tea
Rose tea
Blueberry tea
Snow foam type
Pineapple snow bubble
Strawberry Ice bubble
Orange snow bubble
Mint snow bubble
Blueberry snow bubble
Green apple snow bubble
Hamimelon snow foam
Lemon snow bubble
FIB category
Hongdou FIB
Green bean ice
Chocolate FIB
Coffee FIB
Oranges FIB
Strawberry FIB
Lemon FIB
Plum FIB
Hamimelon FIB
Philoxeroides FIB
Jujube FIB
Tremella FIB...