當前位置:首頁 » 加盟資訊 » 確認ID電話激活加盟
德國bbu紙尿褲代理加盟 2025-03-01 02:43:04
蛋糕店加盟那個好 2025-03-01 02:38:47
在大城做什麼加盟店 2025-03-01 02:24:08


發布時間: 2024-12-08 21:29:04

A. win怎麼修改激活id電話激活

推薦:win8.1免激活系統下載 1、找到Win8.1激活的位置,按Win鍵進入程序設置菜單; 2、進入後要點擊左下角的向下箭頭,進入系統項目菜單 3、找到電腦設置; 4、電腦設置菜單就有激活Windows選項,點擊進入; 5、這里有兩種激活方式,選擇在線激活; 6、所在國家選擇,建議英國或你擅長的外語所在國家,因為是打電話激活,所以能聽懂電話提示操作; 7、出現電話號碼,與安裝ID,這些ID是在打電話的時候用的; 8、回到Win8.1桌面,按Win鍵+X選擇管理命令提示符,按下面的的順序輸入命令,關於每個命令的說明可以去網路一下有很詳細的說明,重點說一下第三個命令,這里有一個KEY,這命令是將你Win8.1原有的KEY置換成現在這個KEY,因為這個KEY是保證可以電話激活的KEY,若這個KEY不能電話激活,就需要重復命令去網上找一個可以電話激活的KE; 9、以上操作完成了,就可以去撥打電話了,安裝SKype免費電話,打通後按語音提示,輸入上面的安裝ID,確認。然後輸入命令回車彈出成功激活了產品,但現在還需要重新啟動一下才可以在激活界面看到已激活。 以上就是關於win8.1系統使用電話在線激活的方法,雖然步驟有些繁瑣,但是也是比較快又免費的激活方式,大家可以嘗試一下吧,實在覺得麻煩可以直接使用小馬win8.1激活工具進行激活也是可以的。

B. office2013 電話激活確認id

3、然後選擇【激活office 2013VL】,然後等待激活即可;

C. 已經打過一次電話的電腦再次聽確認id在哪聽

Welcome to Microsoft Proct Activation.
Please press 1 as a home user, and 2 if you are a business customer with a volume license agreement.
To activate, you must have your installation numbers from your activation wizard screen.
If you are familiar with this process, you may press the hash key to skip any instructions.
No personal information is collected ring activation.
If you have your ID to hand and are ready to proceed, please press the hash key.(如果你的手上有激活ID,並且准備好繼續激活,請按 #號鍵)
To repeat this message, press the star key.
(重復此消息,請按 *號鍵)
Please enter the first group now.
Thank you! And the second group
Thank you! And the third group
Thank you! And the fourth group
Thank you! And the fifth group
Thank you! And the sixth group
Thank you! And the Seventh group
Thank you! Now enter the eighth group
Thank you! To finish ,enter the final group
謝謝,請輸入 最後一組組數字以完成輸入
Please wait while your confirmation number is generated.


(1) Key 失效的情況
請更換Key。We are unable to activate your proct.
(我們無法激活您的產品 )
It is possible that you are a victim of software piracy.
In order to check if your proct is original, please click on the weblinkwww.microsoft.com/genuine.
(查詢您的產品是否為正版(原版),請登錄網址 www.microsoft.com/genuine。)
To obtain the licensed proct,please return to your Microsoft reseller.
To repeat the message, please press the star key.
(要重復信息,請按 *號鍵。)
No entry was detected.
(沒有檢測到信息輸入)We are now ending your call.

(2) Key 有效的情況
On how many computers is your proct currently installed?
Press One if you have installed this proct on one computer.
Press Two if you have install this proct on more than one computer.

We will now continue to activate your proct.

Your entry was accepted(聽到這里就可以掛斷電話直接聯網激活了), now you will hear the confirmation ID readout.
(你輸入的數據被接受了,現在你將聽到 確認ID)

Starting with block A.(從A組開始)
Please either insert this number into the empty blocks at the bottom of your activation wizard, or write this number down for immediate entry into the activation wizard at the end of this call.
To hear this message again, please press the star key.
(重聽一遍這個消息,請按 *號鍵。)
For help, press 0.
Here is Block A : ****** A組注冊碼
To continue press the hash key.
(要繼續,請按 #號鍵)
To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重復,請按 *號鍵)
Here isBlock A : ******To continue press the hash key.
(要繼續,請按 #號鍵)
To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重復,請按 *號鍵)
Block B ****** B組注冊碼
To continue press the hash key.
(要繼續,請按 #號鍵)
To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重復,請按 *號鍵)
Block B ******
To continue press the hash key.
第二遍B組數據(要繼續,請按 #號鍵)
To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重復,請按 *號鍵)
。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。
Block H ******* H組注冊碼
To continue press the hash key.
(要繼續,請按 #號鍵)
To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重復,請按 *號鍵)Block H *******
To continue press the hash key.
第二遍H組數據(要繼續,請按 #號鍵)
To repeat the last block press the star key.
(要重復,請按 *號鍵)
To complete, click the next button at the bottom of your activation window, then click finish.
If you wish to hear your entire confirmation ID again, press 1.
Otherwise, thank you for calling Microsoft. Goodbye.
到這里,按1 重聽
Here is Block A ******
Block B ******

For help, press 0.